Biasanya bagaimana gaya berpakaian kalian?
Xiumin: Bukan yang terlalu bagus, sesuatu yang nyaman dan natural
Tao: Apapun yang terlihat bagus
Chen: Pakaian yang tidak terlalu berpola bunga-bunga atau leopard
Lay: Simpel, bersih, gaya english
Kris: Gaya western kebarat-baratan.
Luhan: Pakaian yang nyaman dan bersih.
Foto yang mana yang paling kalian sukai dari pemotretan hari ini?
Xiumin: Saya suka pemotretan solo ketika saya meniup balon
Tao: Foto ketika saya memegang pisang, hahaha.
Chen: Foto grup ketika kami tidur
Kris: Sama, saya suka foto grup ketika kami sedang tidur, terasa
sederhana dan nyaman (terbit pada majalah mens health bulan Juli)
Lay: Saya suka foto-foto ketika saya memegang es krim karena saya suka sekali es krim
Luhan: Saya suka foto-foto yang diambil ketika saya memakan popcorn
Ketika bekerja, konsep apa yang biasanya kalian gambarkan?
Semua: Bekerja sama dalam lagu hits di mini album pertama kami, gaya
kami adalah sesuatu hal yang lebih kepada kuat, sesuatu seperti seorang
anak laki-laki sedikit lebih berdampak secara visual
Konsep apa yang memberi kesan terbesar pada kalian?
Semua: Karena ini belum lama sejak kami debut, kami belum memiliki
banyak kesempatan untuk mencoba konsep yang berbeda-beda, namun di MV
lagu hits kami <MAMA>, wajah kami dilukis ketika bagian
teriak-teriak memberikan kami kesan khusus yang begitu dalam. Karena
<MAMA> adalah sebuah lagu dari SMP (SM Performance), gerakan
dengan getaran yang kuat dan konsep yang sangat berdampak menjadi
sorotan di MV kami dan selain itu, ini juga merupakan pertamakalinya
kami mencoba face paint dan itu merupakan sesuatu yang menyegarkan jadi
kami memiliki kesan yang sangat dalam untuk itu.
Kalian tinggal sendiri atau dengan para member? Dengan saling
bertemu setiap hari, apakah tidak ada waktu dimana kalian tidak dapat
berdiri satu sama lain?
Semua: Kami tinggal bersama, di dorm, Kris dan Chen sekamar, Luhan
dan Lay sekamar dan Tao dan Xiumin juga. Kami sudah tinggal bersama
sejak kami menjadi trainee jadi hubungan kami sangat baik, oleh karena
itu, tidak ada waktu dimana kita terlihat marah, meski perselisihan
kecilpun, itu akan diselesaikan segera mungkin.
Biasanya, siapa member yang sering berbicara? Siapa member yang paling dewasa dan siapa yang sering merengek dan aegyo?
Semua: Member yang paling berisik adalah Tao, karena ia selalu
menyanyi dan kemanapun kami pergi kami dapat mendengarnya. Member yang
paling sering berbicara (cerewet) adalah Luhan dan yang paling dewasa
adalah Xiumin. Tao sering melakukan aegyo dan paling sering merengek.
Apa ada momen memalukan ketika sedang tampil?
Chen: Ini belum terjadi
Xiumin: Sampai sekarang, belum ada hal seperti itu
Kris: Ketika recording salah satu penampilan, celana saya sobek di
bagian lutut, saya tidak menyadari sampai saya melihat sebuah foto di
Tao: Di konser SMTOWN di LA, ketika rehearsal saya dengan tidak sengaja terjatuh
Luhan: Di
konser di LA, ketika ending saya hampir terjatuh di panggung,
terimakasih kepada Lay yang berada disamping saya jadi ia menahan saya
dan saya tidak terjatuh. Namun, Tao sepertinya terjatuh, haha
Lay: Di Korea, ketika kami sedang tampil, aku sadar kalau celanaku sobek maka aku turun tepat sebelum tampil untuk ganti
Bagian tubuh mana yang kalian paling tidak suka siapapun untuk menyentuhnya?
Lay: Aku tidak suka ketika orang menyentuh leherku
Chen: Telinga, ini aneh …….
Tao: Tidak ada bagian tertentu tetapi jika itu adalah seseorang yang
aku tidak sukai, aku tidak suka kalau mereka menyentuhku dimanapun
Xiumin: Wajah
Kris: Sepertinya tidak ada.
Luhan: Kepala, jangan menyentuh kepalaku
Quick Q&A
Normally what is your style of dressing?
Xiumin: Not something to magnificent, something which is comfortable and natural
Tao: Anything I find good looking
Chen: Not something with too much flowery patterns or leopard prints
Lay: Simple, clean, english styles
Kris: Western style
Luhan: Something comfortable and clean
Which photo do you like best from today’s photoshoot?
Xiumin: I like the solo shoot where I was blowing bubbles
Tao: The photo with me holding a banana, hahaha.
Chen: The group shot where we were sleeping
Kris: Similarly, I like the group shot where we were sleeping, it feels warm and comfortable (published in July’s mens health magazine)
Lay: I like batch of photos where I was holding the ice cream because I really like ice cream
Luhan: I like the batch of photos I took with popcorn
When working, which concept are you usually portrayed as?
All: In cooporation with our first mini album’s hit song, our style is something more powerful, something with a tad bit more impact visually
Which concept do you have the greatest impression of?
All: Because it hasn’t been long since our debut, we haven’t got many chances to try out different concepts, however in our hit song ’s MV, our faces which were painted during the screaming part left us an especially deep impression. Because is a song from SMP (SM Performance), the stronger-vibed dance and impactful concept became the highlight of our MV and besides that, it was our first time trying face paint and it was something fresh so we have a really deep impression of it.
Do you live alone or with the memebrs? By facing each other everyday, are there no times where you can’t stand each other?
All: We live together, in the dorms, Kris and Chen share a roo, Luhan and Lay share another and Tao and Xiumin live in one. We’ve been staying together ever since we were trainees so our relationship is really good, therefore there are no times where we find each other a sore sight, even if it’s just a tiny disagreement, it’ll be solved very soon.
Usually, who is the member who speaks the most? Who’s the most matured and who likes to whine and aegyo?
All: The noisiest member is Tao, because he’s always singing and everywhere we go we can hear him. The person who talks the most is Luhan and the most matured member is Xiumin. Tao likes to aegyo and whine the most.
Any embarrassing moments while performing?
Chen: This hasn’t happened
Xiumin: Up till now, there’s nothing like that
Kris: During one of the recordings, my pants split at the knee area, I wasn’t aware until I saw a photo on the net.
Tao: At SMTOWN concert in LA, during rehearsals I accidentally fell
Luhan: At the concert in LA, at the ending I almost fell on stage, thankfully Lay was beside me so he held me and I didn’t fall. However, Tao seemed to have fell, haha
Lay: In Korea when we were performing, I realised that my pants split so I got down right before the perfermance to change
Which part of your body do you not like anyone to touch?
Lay: I don’t like it when people touch my neck
Chen: Ears, this is weird …….
Tao: There is no particular place but if it’s someone I dislike, I don’t like them touching me anywhere
Xiumin: Face
Kris: I don’t think there’s any
Luhan: Head, don’t touch my head
Source: 杨小抛
Normally what is your style of dressing?
Xiumin: Not something to magnificent, something which is comfortable and natural
Tao: Anything I find good looking
Chen: Not something with too much flowery patterns or leopard prints
Lay: Simple, clean, english styles
Kris: Western style
Luhan: Something comfortable and clean
Which photo do you like best from today’s photoshoot?
Xiumin: I like the solo shoot where I was blowing bubbles
Tao: The photo with me holding a banana, hahaha.
Chen: The group shot where we were sleeping
Kris: Similarly, I like the group shot where we were sleeping, it feels warm and comfortable (published in July’s mens health magazine)
Lay: I like batch of photos where I was holding the ice cream because I really like ice cream
Luhan: I like the batch of photos I took with popcorn
When working, which concept are you usually portrayed as?
All: In cooporation with our first mini album’s hit song, our style is something more powerful, something with a tad bit more impact visually
Which concept do you have the greatest impression of?
All: Because it hasn’t been long since our debut, we haven’t got many chances to try out different concepts, however in our hit song ’s MV, our faces which were painted during the screaming part left us an especially deep impression. Because is a song from SMP (SM Performance), the stronger-vibed dance and impactful concept became the highlight of our MV and besides that, it was our first time trying face paint and it was something fresh so we have a really deep impression of it.
Do you live alone or with the memebrs? By facing each other everyday, are there no times where you can’t stand each other?
All: We live together, in the dorms, Kris and Chen share a roo, Luhan and Lay share another and Tao and Xiumin live in one. We’ve been staying together ever since we were trainees so our relationship is really good, therefore there are no times where we find each other a sore sight, even if it’s just a tiny disagreement, it’ll be solved very soon.
Usually, who is the member who speaks the most? Who’s the most matured and who likes to whine and aegyo?
All: The noisiest member is Tao, because he’s always singing and everywhere we go we can hear him. The person who talks the most is Luhan and the most matured member is Xiumin. Tao likes to aegyo and whine the most.
Any embarrassing moments while performing?
Chen: This hasn’t happened
Xiumin: Up till now, there’s nothing like that
Kris: During one of the recordings, my pants split at the knee area, I wasn’t aware until I saw a photo on the net.
Tao: At SMTOWN concert in LA, during rehearsals I accidentally fell
Luhan: At the concert in LA, at the ending I almost fell on stage, thankfully Lay was beside me so he held me and I didn’t fall. However, Tao seemed to have fell, haha
Lay: In Korea when we were performing, I realised that my pants split so I got down right before the perfermance to change
Which part of your body do you not like anyone to touch?
Lay: I don’t like it when people touch my neck
Chen: Ears, this is weird …….
Tao: There is no particular place but if it’s someone I dislike, I don’t like them touching me anywhere
Xiumin: Face
Kris: I don’t think there’s any
Luhan: Head, don’t touch my head
Source: 杨小抛
Eng trans by: yenuo @
Indo trans by: airdef @ EXOnesia
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